Friday, February 8, 2013

90 Days+

I made it....3 months not smoking...sorry I haven't posted my progress...  I did start the no-nicotine liquid the second week of no more intake of nicotine vapor either!!!  I distracted myself with Borderlands 2 & DeadSpace 2...  This nicotine whore still craves to smoke...thinking about hypnosis to help with that...really don't want to try prescription drugs.  Was prompted to write today as an old acquaintance is starting a life changing journey of his own...wishing you luck Ron!!  And YES!!! The world still stinks to me...thinking about rubbing Vicks under my nose to just leave the house!!  I am able to breathe cough....easy for me to carry my 6 month old nephew around when I go to visit him!!! Also don't feel guilty giving him kisses on his cheeks & head as I no longer smell like tobacco!  Have gained too much weight though..really bummed about that...but Spring is almost here and need to get this body moving doing yard work, camping, etc. Can't wait to get started on rearranging the garden for more pumpkins this year!!!