Friday, October 21, 2011

10 Days Left!!

Tough day at work...looking forward to this weekend.  The veil is getting thinner as fall settles in.  I had a weird experience at work the other day...I was pulling a file and was completely by myself in-between the Lektriever filing system.  I felt a cold touch to the upper part of my chest not my boob (don't get weird on me) someone or something put an ice cube to my skin.  I brushed at it with my hand and it only lasted a few seconds.  I walked back to my cubicle and without a thought more to it until I felt my left ear being "flicked."  So much so it popped my studded earring out...I looked around to see if a co-worker was even near me...everyone was at their own cubicles.  At this point, I was contemplating...this is a new building..what's happening...drifting spirit trying to get my attention...a lingering soul from the formerly razed structure?  I quietly told it to leave me alone and finished my day.  This was not my first experience with a situation like this nor will it be my last.  Just had to "get this off my chest" LOL

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Halloween Decor

TODAY'S SUBJECT:  Cheap Halloween Decor

Okay..okay I admit....every year when the orange and black decor starts to arrive at the stores and I get an email telling me Spirit stores are opening soon....we have to go check them all out.  But why, oh why, is everything plastic???!!!!  It just drives me bonkers!!  Target's halloween decor stinks this year...Wally World (Wal-Mart) is lack luster as well...even Walgreens (which can have a re-purposeable item from time to time) is sucky!!  Then you have Party City, Halloween City and of course Spirit Halloween...Spirit is overly priced with items that are not very well made.   Party City has a huge selection of mainstream costumes...lots of cheap makeup but unless you're having a kids party..forget it.  The only item I purchased this year from Party City were some Halloween cards and outdoor compact florescent light bulbs.   So many items are made for Christmas which are not plastic.  I would love to find some real glass skull mugs or ceramic serving dishes with something other than "campy Halloween" theme.  Retailers could have a field day with my debit card if some quality items were actually being sold.  I have found some unique items at "New Age" shops but they are so overly-priced...I tend to stay away.  Is it just me? Am I the only one?  Any suggestions out there??  Thanks for reading my rant.  Just 13 more days!!!

Friday, October 14, 2011


Well I've finally got this blog starting to look like I want...any suggestions from anyone out there would be much appreciated.  I was inspired to start blogging after following Pumpkinrot and The Pumpkin Hollow, check it out.  Their artwork and photography is amazing and their appreciation of the High Holiday is very much welcomed.  I was initially enthralled with Facebook and was kept busy on that site for a few years but have become bored and disillusioned with here I am.

To explain the title of my blog...My husband and I plan to expand our venture of growing pumpkins when we retire and have more room for a bigger "patch." my surprise...I found an actual Pooley's Pumpkin Patch farm in Nebraska, just outside Omaha. I don't feel discouraged but am a bit envious...likewise I hope they are not offended by my use of that name as well.

As my husband and I have Pagan beliefs...this time of year is very special to much to me I wish it was fall year-round.  We have almost completed our outside decos and as our home decor is decorated with Halloween touches year-round...I feel we are ready.  I will be posting pics more pics soon.

Not unlike favorite holiday has been Halloween as long as my 41 years can remember.  I still and will always don a costume.  I miss the great times trick-r-treating when the world was a little more innocent...actually being able to dress up for the school Halloween parties and parade, running amuck in the dark with friends, hauling in big bags of candy, TPing the grouchy neighbor's house, daring friends to trick-r-treat "that scary house," coming home to a hot bowl of chili or stew, watching your parents claim "dib" to the good candy in your pillowcase, and then watching scary horror movies until you passed out.

What are your favorite memories of Halloween??? or a scary memory of Halloween night???  Can't wait to read your responses  and hey...send me a link to your blog.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Hey there...just trying this out for the first time...I'll get the hang of it!

I wanted to start my own blog as I have enjoyed reading so many others.  As soon as I get it set up, I will start with some topics.