Friday, October 14, 2011


Well I've finally got this blog starting to look like I want...any suggestions from anyone out there would be much appreciated.  I was inspired to start blogging after following Pumpkinrot and The Pumpkin Hollow, check it out.  Their artwork and photography is amazing and their appreciation of the High Holiday is very much welcomed.  I was initially enthralled with Facebook and was kept busy on that site for a few years but have become bored and disillusioned with here I am.

To explain the title of my blog...My husband and I plan to expand our venture of growing pumpkins when we retire and have more room for a bigger "patch." my surprise...I found an actual Pooley's Pumpkin Patch farm in Nebraska, just outside Omaha. I don't feel discouraged but am a bit envious...likewise I hope they are not offended by my use of that name as well.

As my husband and I have Pagan beliefs...this time of year is very special to much to me I wish it was fall year-round.  We have almost completed our outside decos and as our home decor is decorated with Halloween touches year-round...I feel we are ready.  I will be posting pics more pics soon.

Not unlike favorite holiday has been Halloween as long as my 41 years can remember.  I still and will always don a costume.  I miss the great times trick-r-treating when the world was a little more innocent...actually being able to dress up for the school Halloween parties and parade, running amuck in the dark with friends, hauling in big bags of candy, TPing the grouchy neighbor's house, daring friends to trick-r-treat "that scary house," coming home to a hot bowl of chili or stew, watching your parents claim "dib" to the good candy in your pillowcase, and then watching scary horror movies until you passed out.

What are your favorite memories of Halloween??? or a scary memory of Halloween night???  Can't wait to read your responses  and hey...send me a link to your blog.


  1. Yeah Kim! I'm glad you started the blog. I think it's a great idea!

    As for my favorite Halloween memories; most were spent with my best friend David. His dad would take us around the neighborhood in our costumes. I remember the years when the weather would be bad, David and I always managed to convince his dad we were warm (even though we were freezing)so we could walk for miles and miles going door to door collecting a bounty of candy. My favorite year was the one when David and I were older and decided a the last minute to go trick-or-treating. We didn't have a costume so we wrapped ourselves in a big wool blanket and he put swim goggles on me with those head band with the springs on top with the glitter balls at the end. David found some sort of glasses and a wig and we went as a two-headed monster. Loads of fun and we still got lots of goodies

    Lookin' forward to reading more blogs!


  2. Thanks Tonya for sharing!!! I can totally see you & David trick-r-treating as the 2 headed monster! Love it!
